Since 2007 we have been providing information security solutions, designed to help organizations develop cyber-secure environments, with less risk and protecting their critical assets.

Our solutions are designed from
a 360° look at Cybersecurity
based on the synergy of our five areas:

Governance, Risk
& Compliance

We evaluate the legal, regulatory and contractual requirements that every organization must meet to adapt to the regulatory bodies and frameworks of Cybersecurity.

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Cybersecurity Defensive. Continuous monitoring to prevent, analyze and detect threats and attacks, enabling rapid and effective responses to strengthen and sustain a resilient ecosystem.

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Cybersecurity Offensive. Through specialized Team in Ethical Hacking and Red Team, we identify vulnerabilities, security and risk by measuring the infrastructure and the capacity to respond to incidents.

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Secure Development is in our DNA and that’s why we make evaluations and implementations following the best practices throughout the software lifecycle. We train our clients in this methodology.

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We manage the lifecycle of digital identities and control access to different computing resources by implementing tailor-made solutions.

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The demands of quality and professionalism that support us

INSSIDE Security Suite

Comprehensive software to centralize and automate analysis, identification and treatment of risks

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For more than 15 years, large companies have been working with us to protect their critical infrastructure and information.

The trust of our customers endorses our expertise.

Some of

Let’s work together

Having INSSIDE’s help allows us to generate a solution with less friction in usability, thus taking care of our clients’ experience and the experience of our customers and, at the same time, strengthening security. In a highly competitive and challenging context, the knowledge, advice and, especially, the willingness of the INSSIDE team are a fundamental contribution to the development of new ways of interacting with customers.

Christian Guimarra

Digital Transformation Management

From the moment we started on the road to certification, INSSIDE was with us every step of the way. It was a difficult journey with many changes, but at the same time exciting and a constant learning experience. We found a solution for every aspect. We continue to work and grow with INSSIDE towards recertification in this new era of opportunities.

Gustavo Chiarel

Chief Information Security Officer

Klap would like to thank INSSIDE for the support they have given us over the years. The teamwork between both companies has been essential for the achievement of the PCI DSS and PCI PIN certifications that Klap has today. INSSIDE has given us value in terms of the operationalization of our processes. INSSIDE is a fundamental part for Klap in order to achieve the strategic objectives proposed and which are framed as being a company at the forefront of technology, with robust and secure processes that allow us to face constant changes.

Sandra Ferrada Bórquez

Risk KLAP Manager

Do you want to optimize the level of cybersecurity and resilience of your customers?​

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Trends in Cybersecurity

Being uninformed is one of the main risks.
We share some notes that we’ve sent in our Cybersecurity newsletter.


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