INSSIDE Security Suite

Solution for the identification, analysis and monitoring
of security breaches based on industry safety regulations.

We automate and centralize compliance
with information security regulations in
the same software.

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In a context characterized by constant cyberattacks and threats, it is necessary to review the processes of organizations and adopt a proactive position that allows detecting and neutralizing risks.



Agility in the execution of
cybersecurity analysis.


Speed in visualizing the level of latent risk in your organization.


All the information in evaluation and monitoring of the different regulations from the same software.


Historical monitoring is available on a permanent basis.

INSSIDE Security Suite

Learn about its modules:


Automates and centralizes the progress of regulatory compliance 
of information security in the same software.

Centralization and visibility of services contracted through dashboards

Alignment to cybersecurity standards

Flexibility to support diverse regulatory frameworks

Traceability of historical records for the correct management of compliance

Risk Management

Facilitates the visualization of the security status
of your assets and the level of risk in your organization


Automatic Threat Identification

Treatment of risks

Scheduling and monitoring
of controls to be implemented

 Visibility by dashboards

Getting ahead of cyber attackers is possible.

Implementing security strategies and reviewing your organization’s critical processes are key to taking action before it is too late.

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